Get the most recent census data from the Basler Atlas


Get the census data (and more) from the Basler Atlas that are updated by the Statistisches Amt Basel. The up-to-date version can be found on my GitHub Gists. Don’t forget to add the data source, i.e. the Stat. Amt Basel when you use their data. – it is being added automatically to the “meta” part in the datacontainer (in addition to the URL, the name and short name of the dataset).

import datetime

headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}

def data2csv(data,

    import os
    if isinstance(data, dict) and 'data' not in data.keys():
        of = []
        for key in data.keys():
            _of = data2csv(data[key],
            if isinstance(_of, list):
                of += _of
        return of

    outpath = os.path.expanduser(outpath)
    filename = filesep.join([prefix,
    filename = filename.lstrip(filesep).rstrip(filesep) + ext
    os.makedirs(outpath, exist_ok=True)
    if not quiet:
        print('Saving as', outpath+filename)
    with open(outpath+filename, 'w') as file_obj:
        file_obj.writelines(datasep.join(data['header']) + '\n')

        datalines = [datasep.join(map(lambda x: str(x), line))
                     for line in data['data']]
        file_obj.writelines('\n'.join(datalines) + '\n')
    return outpath+filename

def _get_topic_url():
    url = ''
    return url

def _get_data_url():
    # used to be the first url at around 2018
    # ""
    url = ''
    url = ''
    return url

def _get_references_url():
    # e.g.
    url = ''
    return url

def get_ref_data(nivgeo, slimmed=True):
    import requests
    payload = {'nivgeo': nivgeo,
               'lang': 'de', 'extent': 'extent1'}
    refs = requests.get(_get_references_url(),
    refdata = refs.json()['content']['territories']
    # contains the actual numbering in the main geographical administrative
    # dataset that it can be linked against
    if slimmed:
        return refdata['libgeo'], refdata['codgeo']
        return refdata

def _replace_error_value(value, error_value, replace_value):
    return replace_value if value <= error_value else value

def get_basler_atlas_data(nivgeo,
    import requests
    from requests.exceptions import JSONDecodeError

    payload = _params2payload(nivgeo, theme, subtheme, year=year)

    response = requests.get(_get_data_url(),
    if response.ok:

            data = response.json()['content']['distribution']
        except JSONDecodeError:
            print(f'issues with {response.url} and the payload {payload}')
            return None, None
        if not quiet:
            print(f'Got data from {response.url}, transforming ...')

        values = data['values']

        if 'sortIndices' in data:
            # reported values are to be sorted, usual case?
            indices = data['sortIndices']
            # reported values are sorted already, usual case for Bezirk?
            indices = range(len(values))
        if isinstance(values, dict):
            keys = list(values.keys())
            indices = range(len(values[keys[0]]))
            values = [[_replace_error_value(values[key][i],
                      for key in keys]
                      for i in sorted(indices)
            data = values
            return keys, data
            data = [str(_replace_error_value(values[i],
                    for i in sorted(indices)]
            return None, data
        if not quiet:
            print(f'Request for {payload} failed')
        return None, None

def _nivgeo2map(nivgeo):
    lookuptable = {'block': 'map5',
                   'wbl': 'map5',
                   'bezirk': 'map6',
                   'wbe': 'map6',
                   'viertel': 'map2',
                   'wvi': 'map2',
                   'gemeinde': 'map3',
                   'wge': 'map3',
                   # 'wahlkreis': 'map7',
                   # 'pwk': 'map7',

    return lookuptable[nivgeo]

def _get_nivgeos():
    return 'wbe', 'wvi', 'wge', 'wbl'  # , 'pwk'

def _nicename2nivgeo(nivgeo=None):
    nicenames = _nivgeo2nicename(nivgeo=nivgeo)
    if nivgeo is None:
        return {v: k for k, v in nicenames.items()}
        return {nicenames: nivgeo}

def _nivgeo2nicename(nivgeo=None):
    names = {'wbe': 'bezirk',
             'wvi': 'viertel',
             'wge': 'gemeinde',
             'wbl': 'block',
             # 'pwk': 'wahlkreis',

    if nivgeo is None:
        return names
        return names[nivgeo]

def _params2payload(nivgeo,

    payload = {'lang': 'de',
               'dataset':  theme,
               'indic': subtheme,
               'view': _nivgeo2map(nivgeo),

    if year is not None:
        payload['filters'] = 'jahr='+str(year)

    return payload

def get_basler_atlas(start_year=1998,
                     # population has different ages,
                     # men m , women w and a grand total
                     themes={'bevstruk': ['alter0',
                             'bevheim': ['anteil_ch',
                                         # "gesbev" has been replaced by
                             'bau_lwg': ['anzahl_lwg',
    _nicenames = _nicename2nivgeo()

    if geographical_levels == 'all':
        nivgeos = _get_nivgeos()
        if isinstance(geographical_levels, str):
            geographical_levels = [geographical_levels]
        _nivgeos = _get_nivgeos()

        nivgeos = [i if i in _nivgeos else _nicenames[i]
                   for i in geographical_levels]

        assert all([i in _nivgeos or i in _nicenames
                    for i in nivgeos])

    # the defaults that we know of - there is wahlbezirke too on the
    # atlas but we don't particularly care about that one...
    data = {}
    # mapping of information from topic url to meta information entries
    info2meta = {'url': 'c_url_indicateur',
                 'name': 'c_lib_indicateur',
                 'short_name': 'c_lib_indicateur_court',
                 'unit': 'c_unite',
                 'source': 'c_source',
                 'description': 'c_desc_indicateur',
    for nivgeo in nivgeos:
        refname, refnumber = get_ref_data(nivgeo)
        refdata = [[_refname, _refnumber]
                   for _refname, _refnumber in zip(refname, refnumber)]
        # ids of the nivgeo is in refdata['codgeo']
        # names of the nivgeo is in refdata['libgeo']
        nicename = _nivgeo2nicename(nivgeo)

        for theme in themes:
            if not quiet:
                print(f'Working on {theme} for {_nivgeo2nicename(nivgeo)}')
            for subtheme in themes[theme]:
                if not quiet:
                    print(f'Working on {theme}.{subtheme} for ',
                # force a copy of refdata otherwise we keep updating the old list of lists.
                container = {'data': [i.copy() for i in refdata],
                             'meta': {'theme': theme,
                                      'nivgeo': nivgeo,
                                      'subtheme': subtheme,
                                      'theme': theme, },
                             'header': ['referencename', 'referencenumber'],
                topicinfo = get_basler_atlas_topics(theme=theme,
                for key, value in info2meta.items():
                    container['meta'][key] = topicinfo[theme][subtheme][value]

                # values will be nested, adjust header line with extra
                for year in range(start_year, end_year+1):

                    if not quiet:
                        print(f'Getting data for {year} for {theme}',
                              f'{subtheme} for {_nivgeo2nicename(nivgeo)}')

                    keys, thisdata = get_basler_atlas_data(nivgeo,
                    if thisdata is None:
                        if not quiet:
                            print(f'Failure to get data for {year} for {theme}',
                                  f'{subtheme} for {_nivgeo2nicename(nivgeo)}')
                        thisdata = [''] * len(container['data'])

                    if keys is None:
                        container['header'] += [f'{year}']
                        container['header'] += [f'{year}_{key}'
                                                for key in keys]

                    for i, value in enumerate(thisdata):
                        if not isinstance(value, list):
                            value = [value]
                        container['data'][i] += value

                    if testing:
                        break  # year

                data[nicename+'_'+theme+'_'+subtheme] = container

                if testing:
                    break  # specific theme
            if testing:
                break  # theme
        if testing:
            break  # nivgeo

    return data

def get_basler_atlas_topics(theme=None,
    import requests
    if subtheme is not None and isinstance(subtheme, str):
        subtheme = [subtheme]
    payload = {"tree": "A01", 'lang': 'de'}
    if theme is not None:
        payload['theme'] = theme
    response = requests.get(_get_topic_url(),
    topiclist = response.json()['content']['indics']

    data = {}
    for topicinfo in topiclist:
        maintopic, subtopic = (topicinfo['c_id_dataset'],
        if maintopic not in data:
            if fullinfo:
                data[maintopic] = {}
                data[maintopic] = []

        if subtheme is not None and subtopic not in subtheme:
        if fullinfo:
            data[maintopic][subtopic] = topicinfo
            data[maintopic] += [subtopic]

    return data
if __name__ == '__main__':
        Some example usages:
        # get some information for the population for the years 200 to 2003
        data = get_basler_atlas(end_year=2003, 
                                themes={'bevheim': ['anteil_ch','anteil_bs', ]},
        # just get everything that is a predefined topic: 
        themes={'bevstruk': ['alter0',
                'bevheim': ['anteil_ch',
                            # "gesbev" has been replaced by
                'bau_lwg': ['anzahl_lwg',
        # limit just by years
        data = get_basler_atlas(themes=themes, start_year=2000, end_year=2010)
        # also save the data to csv files (by theme and subtheme)
        # get some information regarding the available topics
        themes = get_basler_atlas_topics()

In the years of 2014 to 2020 or so I was teaching “An introduction to Geoinformatics” at the University of Basel. As a starter, students were supposed to load data of the administrative units of Basel in the form of shapefiles into a GIS (ArcMap or QGIS, I gave support in both) and connect these with population data (age groups or similar). These data can be downloaded from the Statistisches Amt Basel, usually in the form of Excel sheets – which is doable for a GIS but not great to be used: Sometimes I even struggled with getting the right separator in the excel sheet to be automatically recognised for the later import (which is just one reason why I prefer QGIS). However, the updated numbers were sometimes published later than when I’d like to use them – even though the Basler Atlas already had them. So I went to work to scrape the data directly from this source, because I did not want to manually download the data each and every semester again and for several dataset individually. We can do better than that.

In the back, the Basler Atlas uses geoclip, a product from a French company (you also see their logo when opening the Atlas). Relevant for me was that with the browser inspect feature you can get the requests being made in the back and see where the data are coming from (you can of course also click on the request to see the direct answer)

As you can see there is a listIndics and a indic API endpoint. ListIndics gives an overview of datasets, indic gives the data of the “indices”. Both require some specific payload to work, the most important being {‘lang’: ‘de’}. There is however a third endpoint that gives the crucial reference information, namely the name/id of the administrative feature at GC_refdata.php. Initially, I only used the indic endpoint to collect the data directly and the ref to get the reference frame. Combining requests to both, the data can be collected automatically, either to update or for the first time and come back in dict, including a headerline and meta information for the later export (also included above). Now you can get your up-to-date data from the Basler Atlas as well and have a better time using it for temporal analysis by running the above code and then calling this or something like this

data = get_basler_atlas(geographical_levels='block',
                        themes={'bevstruk': ['alter0',
                                             'gesbev'], },

This gives you the population data on the block level of the years from 1998 until today (2024 as of this writing). Calling the below saves the data to your home directory, namely 6 CSV files.

data2csv(data, outpath='~/')

Today I extended the code above to also get the available topics (i.e. the categories). Which allows us to discover topics or download data that would require some time to find otherwise.

geolevel = 'block'

for key, values in topics.items():
    if key != 'bevstruk':
    data = get_basler_atlas(themes={key: values},
    of = data2csv(data, outpath='~/')

As always, I hope this helps someone to discover data or save some time for themselves. And maybe at some point, I’ll find the time to document everything a bit better. Don’t forget to add the data source, i.e. the Stat. Amt Basel when you use their data.


As I noticed today, there was some issue with the previous version of this script, namely a “deepcopy” issue that led to the fact, that the datacontainer had data from all connected subthemes when more than one was requested. Ups. But it should be fine now, the gist on top is updated and some usage information is added as well. 🙂

geo utils – get altitude profile data from swisstopo

Summary & code

Use the swisstopo API to get a profile of altitudes with the function get_swisstopo_elevation_profile by passing coordinates aka “Rechtswert” and “Hochwert” as array/list (any iterable should do). The gist on GitHub should always be the most up-to-date version

def get_swisstopo_elevation_profile(coords,  # a path (2+ points in the form)
                                    # three heights are available for JSON
                                    # COMB, DTM2, DTM25
                                    opts={"sr": None,
                                          "nb_points": None,
                                          "offset": None,
                                          "distinct_points": True,
                                          "callback": None,
    Call the swisstopo API for altitude data along a path.

    Pass in a list or array of coordinates in EPSG 2056 (LV95) or 21781 (LV03)
    to get altitude values along the provided path. For options see keywords or
    parameters of call via swisstopo API.

    coords : list or numpy array
        The coordinates in either EPSG 2056 (LV95) or EPSG 21781 (LV03).
    kind : str, optional
        Which API backend should be queried. Available are json and csv.
        If none of these are passed properly, fallback is csv.
        The default is 'csv' (easier structure to parse).
    which: str
        If kind is json, three altitude values are available, DTM2, DTM25 and
    asnumpy : bool, optional
        Whether to return a numpy array.
        The default is True.
    quiet : bool, optional
        Whether to quiet the output (True) or not.
        The default is True.
     opts: dict
        Further keywords than can be passed to the API call, see

    list or numpy array
        The returned points, in the form of distance along path, altitude,


    import requests
    import numpy as np

    if len(coords) > 5000:
        print('Warning, number of coordinates exceeds swisstopo API'
              'max number of points, reduce coords beforehand.')
        return np.asarray([]) if asnumpy else []

    payload = 'geom={"type":"LineString","coordinates":['
    payload += ','.join([f"[{coord[0]},{coord[1]}]"
                         for coord in coords])
    payload += ']'
    opts = ','.join(['"'+str(key)+'"'+':'+'"'+str(opt)+'"'
                     for key, opt in opts.items()
                     if opt is not None])
    if opts:
        payload += ',' + opts
    payload += '}'
    kind = kind.lower()
    if kind.lower() not in ['csv', 'json']:
        if not quiet:
            print('Only csv or json can be chosen, autoselecting csv')
        kind = 'csv'

    baseurl = "" + kind
        profile = requests.get(baseurl, params=payload)
    except ConnectionError:
        if not quiet:
            print('Connection timeout')
        return np.asarray([]) if asnumpy else []

    if profile.ok:
        if not quiet:
        if not quiet:

    if kind == 'csv':

        profile = profile.text.split('\r\n')
        # Distance, Altitude, Easting, Northing -> not needed
        # header = profile[0]
        profile = list(map(lambda x: [float(j.strip('"'))
                                      for j in x.split(';')],
    elif kind == 'json':

        profile = [[p['dist'], p['alts'][which],
                    p['easting'], p['northing']]
                   for p in profile.json()]

    if asnumpy:
        profile = np.asarray(profile)

    return profile

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # straightforward example usage
    rw=[2611025.0, 2620975.0, 2633725.0]
    hw=[1266400.0, 1256750.0, 1250000.0]
    profile = get_swisstopo_elevation_profile(list(zip(rw, hw)))
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    plt.ylim(min(profile[:,1]), None)


For the CLOUDLAB project we regularly get forecasts that contain a profile at the bottom of the figure from MeteoSwiss that illustrates the terrain nicely (albeit, sometimes it is missing for unknown reasons):

Similarly, I produced a lot of figures of our scans and depending on azimuth and elevation they may be affected by ground clutter, e.g. at a distance of 2 km the increased reflectivity is caused by the terrain below (the hill at around 800 m above sea level). As you can see, I added the terrain already.

Initially, I thought I’d have to get the actual DEM for the area, find the path matching the scan direction and calculate the profile myself. While this might actually be a bit more accurate with a good DEM, it would be more work, not be transferable and mean I’d have to have extra data around. Instead, I realized that swisstopo offers the measure tool on and uses their own API with a matching request. So I choose to use this as I’m already adding the coordinates for the scan and it is relatively straightforward (min/max of lowest elevation scanline) to get the path we need. The main issue I faced was a misformatted quote that came from copy-pasting the swisstopo example. After finally figuring this out after a detailed URL decode and string comparison the function is relatively lean and can use either the JSON or the CSV backend of the API and by default gives you out a numpy array which can be visualized with ease and can look as follows:

I hope this helps someone to get a profile to enrich their Python (or other) graphs when measuring in Switzerland. In the likely case that you aren’t doing something in Switzerland it might be worthwhile to check out the Google Maps Elevation API (for which you need an API key and billing enabled)