TL;DR; Summary
Download all newer data from the web interface of the Lufft CHM15k ceilometer into a main directory or directories according to Year/Month/Day format with the code below. An up-to-date version can also be found at my GitHub gists. Change according to your needs (esp. the format of the subfolders).
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Sep 15 09:22:30 2021
@author: spirrobe
import os
import datetime
import requests
import json
class chm15ksession(requests.Session):
A class for interacting with the CHM-15k data server.
This class inherits from the requests.Session class and is designed to
facilitate downloading netCDF and zipped netCDF files from the CHM-15k.
To use this class, you must have a valid password for accessing the
url : str
The URL of the CHM-15k ceilometer. Can be local ip or http URl
password : str, optional
The password for accessing the CHM-15k.
Default is "15k-Nimbus".
outpath : str, optional
The path to save downloaded files to. Default is the current directory.
download2subdirs : bool, optional
Whether to put files into a subdirectory as outpath/{year}/{month}/{day}
where year, month, day are inferred for each file based on the filename
quiet : bool, optional
Whether to print information about the download progress.
Default is True.
url : str
The URL of the CHM-15k.
session : requests.Session
The requests session object used to communicate with the server.
password : str
The password for accessing the CHM-15k data server.
outpath : str
The path to save downloaded files to.
filecount : bool
The number of files available on the server.
quiet : bool
Whether to print information about the download progress.
sessionid : str
The ID of the current session with the server.
zipfiles : list of str
The names of the zipped netCDF files available on the server.
zipsizes : list of int
The sizes of the zipped netCDF files available on the server, in bytes.
ncfiles : list of str
The names of the netCDF files available on the server.
ncsizes : list of int
The sizes of the netCDF files available on the server, in bytes.
Connects to the CHM-15k data server and establishes a session.
Returns a dictionary of available netCDF and zipped netCDF files on the
CHM-15k data server.
Downloads all available netCDF files from the CHM-15k to the
local file system.
Downloads all available zipped netCDF files from the CHM-15k
to the local file system.
def __init__(self,
*args, **kwargs,
Initialize a new instance of the chm15ksession class.
url : str
The URL of the CHM-15k.
password : str, optional
The password for accessing the CHM-15k data server. Default is
outpath : str, optional
The path to save downloaded files to.
Default is the current directory.
timeout : bool, optional
The timeout in seconds for the get calls, adjust if on low bandwidth/slow network.
quiet : bool, optional
Whether to print information about the download progress.
Default is True.
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# assert url, str, 'url must be a str'
self.timeout = timeout
self.url = url
if not self.url.endswith('/'):
self.url += '/'
if not self.url.startswith('http'):
self.url = 'http://' + self.url
self.__cgi = "cgi-bin/chm-cgi"
self.__cgiurl = self.url + self.__cgi
#self.session = requests.Session()
#self = requests.Session()
self.password = password
self.outpath = outpath
self.__subpath = ''
self.download2subdirs = download2subdirs
if not self.outpath.endswith(os.sep):
self.outpath += os.sep
self.filecount = None
self.sessionid = None
self.zipfiles = []
self.zipsizes = []
self.ncfiles = []
self.ncsizes = []
self.quiet = quiet
def _filename2date(self, filename):
# pattern is YYYYMMDD
_ = filename.split(os.sep)[-1].split('_')[0]
if len(_) == 8:
# typical netcdf files
return _[:4], _[4:4+2], _[4+2:4+2+2]
elif len(_) == 6:
# zipfiles do not have a day as they are for the month
return _[:4], _[4:4+2]
print(f'Date could not be inferred from {filename}')
return '', '', ''
def _filename2datefolder(self, filename):
date = self._filename2date(filename)
if date[0]:
date = [s + i for s, i in zip(['Y','M','D'], date)]
date = os.sep.join(date) + os.sep
if not self.outpath.endswith(os.sep):
date = os.sep + date
return date
return ''
def connect(self):
Connect to the CHM-15k using the provided password.
This method sends a validation request to the CHM-15k data server
with the provided passwordand obtains a session ID that can be
used for subsequent requests.
If the request fails.
validationurl = self.__cgiurl+f"?validatetoken&code={self.password}"
# this url could be used to check if the connection worked
# checkurl = self.__cgiurl+"?checkvalidation"
resp = self.get(validationurl, timeout=self.timeout)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
now =
print(f'{now}: Connection failed, check url {self.url} and '
f'password {self.password}')
sessionid = resp.text.strip().split('{')[1].split('}')[0]
sessionid = sessionid.split(':')[1].split(',')[0]
self.sessionid = sessionid
self.cookies.set("session", self.sessionid,
if not self.quiet:
now =
print(f'{now}: Connection successful to {self.url}')
self.sessionid = True
def getfilelist(self):
Get a list of files from the CHM-15k.
If the connection to the server has not been established,
this method will establish a connection. Sets attributes of the
object to contain the return values as well.
A dictionary containing the following keys:
- 'zipfiles': A list of the names of zipped netCDF files.
- 'netcdffiles': A list of the names of netCDF files.
- 'zipsizes': A list of the sizes of zipped netCDF files.
- 'ncsizes': A list of the sizes of netCDF files.
if self.sessionid:
resp = self.get(self.__cgiurl + '?filelist', timeout=self.timeout)
filelist = resp.text
filelist = filelist[filelist.index('{'):]
filelist = filelist[:-filelist[::-1].index('}')]
filelist = json.loads(filelist)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
if not self.quiet:
now =
print('{now}: Issue with getting proper filelist, aborting getfilelist and potential callers')
return None
self.filecount = filelist['count']
self.zipfiles = [i[0] for i in filelist["ncfiles"] if 'zip' in i[0]]
self.zipsizes = [i[1] for i in filelist["ncfiles"] if 'zip' in i[0]]
self.ncfiles = [i[0] for i in filelist["ncfiles"] if 'zip' not in i[0]]
self.ncsizes = [i[1] for i in filelist["ncfiles"] if 'zip' not in i[0]]
if not self.quiet:
now =
print(f'{now}: Found {filelist["count"]} files in total to be checked')
print(f'{now}: Found {len(self.ncfiles)} netCDF files')
print(f'{now}: Found {len(self.zipfiles)} zipped netCDF files')
return {'zipfiles': self.zipfiles, 'netcdffiles': self.ncfiles,
'zipsizes': self.zipsizes, 'ncsizes': self.ncsizes}
def getsinglefile(self, filename, overwrite=True):
Download a single file from the CHM15k to the specified output path.
filename : str
Name of the file to be downloaded. Can be either zip or nc file.
overwrite : bool, optional
Flag indicating whether to overwrite the file if it already
exists in the output path and has the same size.
Defaults to True.
If the file is not available on the server or
if the file transfer fails.
This method uses the requests library to download the file
from the server, and saves it to the output path using
the same filename as on the device.
if self.filecount:
if filename not in self.ncfiles or filename in self.zipfiles:
print(f'File {filename} not available')
if filename in self.ncfiles:
filesize = self.ncsizes[self.ncfiles.index(filename)]
elif filename in self.zipfiles:
filesize = self.zipsizes[self.zipfiles.index(filename)]
print(f'File {filename} not available')
if self.download2subdirs:
self.__subpath = self._filename2datefolder(filename)
os.makedirs(self.outpath + self.__subpath, exist_ok=True)
# check if the file exists, and if it does has the same size
# if so continue
if os.path.exists(self.outpath + self.__subpath + filename):
fs = os.path.getsize(self.outpath + self.__subpath + filename) // 1024
if fs == filesize and not overwrite:
if not self.quiet:
print(f'File {filename} already exists and has the same '
'size as the file on the CHM15k. Pass overwrite to',
'download anyway')
filecontent = self.get(self.__cgiurl+'/'+filename+"?getfile", timeout=self.timeout)
# check if the transfer worked in the firstplace, if not continue
if filecontent.status_code != 200:
if not self.quiet:
now =
print(f'{now}: Filetransfer failed for {filename}')
with open(self.outpath + self.__subpath + filename, 'wb') as fo:
if not self.quiet:
now =
print(f'{now}: Successfully downloaded {filename}')
self.__subpath = ''
def getncfiles(self, overwrite=False):
Download netCDF files from the CHM-15k to the specified `outpath`.
overwrite : bool, optional
Whether to overwrite existing files with the same name and size
in the `outpath`.
Default is False.
If `filecount` attribute is False.
This method first checks whether the `filecount` attribute is set.
If not, it calls the `getfilelist` method to obtain a list of files
available for download. Then, for each netCDF file in the list,
it checks whether the file already exists in the `outpath` and has
the same size as the file.
If not, it downloads the file using a GET request and saves it
to the `outpath`.
if self.filecount:
dlcount = 0
for fileno, (filename, filesize) \
in enumerate(zip(self.ncfiles, self.ncsizes)):
if self.download2subdirs:
self.__subpath = self._filename2datefolder(filename)
# check if the file exists, and if it does has the same size
# if so continue
if os.path.exists(self.outpath + self.__subpath + filename):
fs = os.path.getsize(self.outpath + self.__subpath + filename) // 1024
if fs == filesize and not overwrite:
if not self.quiet:
now =
print(f'Not downloading {filename} as it exists and has the same size')
print(f'{now}: Progress at ',
f'{round((fileno+1)/len(self.ncfiles) * 100,1)} %')
os.makedirs(self.outpath + self.__subpath, exist_ok=True)
filecontent = self.get(
self.__cgiurl+'/'+filename+"?getfile", timeout=self.timeout)
# check if the transfer worked in the firstplace, if not continue
if filecontent.status_code != 200:
if not self.quiet:
print(f'Filetransfer failed for {filename}')
with open(self.outpath + self.__subpath + filename, 'wb') as fo:
if not self.quiet:
now =
print(f'{now}: Successfully downloaded {filename}, the {dlcount+1} file')
print(f'{now}: Progress at '
f'{round((fileno+1)/len(self.ncfiles) * 100,1)} %')
dlcount += 1
now =
print(f'{now}: Downloaded all {dlcount} files that contained new data '
f'to {self.outpath + self.__subpath}')
self.__subpath = ''
def getzipfiles(self, overwrite=False):
Download zip files from the CHM-15k to the specified `outpath`.
overwrite : bool, optional
Whether to overwrite existing files with the same name and size
in the `outpath`.
Default is False.
If `filecount` attribute is False.
This method first checks whether the `filecount` attribute is set.
If not, it calls the `getfilelist` method to obtain a list of files
available for download. Then, for each zip file in the list,
it checks whether the file already exists in the `outpath` and has
the same size as the file.
If not, it downloads the file using a GET request and saves it
to the `outpath`.
if self.filecount:
os.makedirs(self.outpath, exist_ok=True)
for fileno, (filename, filesize) \
in enumerate(zip(self.zipfiles, self.zipsizes)):
if self.download2subdirs:
self.__subpath = self._filename2datefolder(filename)
# check if the file exists, and if it does has the same size
# if so continue
if os.path.exists(self.outpath + self.__subpath + filename):
fs = os.path.getsize(self.outpath + self.__subpath + filename) // 1024
if fs == filesize and not overwrite:
if not self.quiet:
print('File already exists and has '
f'the same size ({filename})')
os.makedirs(self.outpath + self.__subpath, exist_ok=True)
filecontent = self.get(
self.__cgiurl+'/'+filename+"?getfile", timeout=self.timeout)
# check if the transfer worked in the firstplace, if not continue
if filecontent.status_code != 200:
if not self.quiet:
print(f'Filetransfer failed for {filename}')
with open(self.outpath + self.__subpath + filename, 'wb') as fo:
if not self.quiet:
now =
print(f'{now}: Successfully downloaded {filename}')
print(f'{now}: Progress at '
f'{round((fileno+1)/len(self.zipfiles) * 100,1)} %')
now =
print(f'{now}: Downloaded all {len(self.zipfiles)} available '
f'zip files at {self.outpath + self.__subpath}')
self.__subpath = ''
if __name__ == '__main__':
url = '' # the url to connect to, either http/s or ip directly of the chm15k
a = chm15ksession(url
# establish a connection, setting up a session, this wil be done automatically
# upon calling other get functions
# get the available files in case you want to download only one file
# usually, one is interested only in the netcdf files that are available,
# especially in an operational setting where other files have already
# been downloaded.
# per default, existing files are not downloaded again
# a.getncfiles()
# zipfiles are created by the device for each month and can be downloaded as well
# per default, existing files are not downloaded again
# a.getzipfiles()
Background & motivation
The CHM15k offers the choice between serial and ethernet connection to sample data. While serial connections are true and tested, especially with data logger the reality might be that you don’t have one on-site, its serial ports are full or you would need a USB to serial adapter (which can be quite bothersome with Linux machines. We actually do sample a Parsivel2 with our data server at the CLOUDLAB field site which requires frequent self-compiled drivers as we are running Fedora with its frequent kernel updates….
So we choose to go via the web interface of the Lufft CHM15k even though it requires a login. The upside is that checking for missing data is quite straightforward, it can be interactive and if you forward ports to its network correctly you can also sample it from the outside.
For this purpose, I had a look with the browser inspection tool to see what is being done when the password is sent and used the requests
session to stay validated. The rest is fairly standard file checking and downloading. The above allows the script to be changed once with the correct URL (can be the IP or similar, including a port of course). Be aware that you should probably (really really) change the password if you make your device world-accessible via port forwarding.
Once that is done you can run the file via a cronjob or task scheduler as many times as you want as only most recent files are downloaded. Alternatively, import the class and check functionalities yourself for downloading single files or similar. Hope this helps someone out there to facilitate sampling via their ceilometer